Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Issue 2020/1 Lo smart working, da pratica sperimentale a modus operandi ordinario: problematiche giuridiche e applicative - The smart working, from experimental practice to ordinary modus operandi: legal and applcation problems Abstract   PDF
Luigi Izzo
Issue 2023/1 Risoluzione per inadempimento nel leasing traslativo: gli ultimi interventi, l’equo compenso, la blockchain e il leasing immobiliare abitativo. Riflessioni a partire da Cass., 28 gennaio 2021, n. 2061 e Cass., 14 ottobre 2021, n. 28023 | Termination for non-performance in transactional leasing: the latest interventions, fair compensation, blockchain and residential real estate leasing. Reflections from Cass., 28 January 2021, no. 2061 and Cass., 14 October 2021, no. 28023 Abstract   PDF
Clara Tuccillo
Issue 2023/1 Lo scambio dei dati con i contenuti e i servizi digitali: una nuova modalidtà di contrarre? | Data exchange with digital content and services: a new way of contracting? Abstract   PDF
Vincenzo Ricciuto
Issue 2023/1 Nuovi beni digitali e mondi dematerializzati. Il metaverso | New digital goods and dematerialised worlds. The metaverse Abstract   PDF
Roberto Bocchini
Issue 2023/1 Consolle del Magistrato: Carneade chi era costui? Tra sistema di scrittura elettronica a banca dati di predictability. Qualche appunto | ‘Consolle’ of the Magistrate: who was Carneade? Between electronic writing system and predictability database. Some notes Abstract   PDF
Irene Coppola
Issue 2023/1 Soggetti vulnerabili e problemi di accesso al mercato bancario e finanziario | Vulnerable people and difficulties in accessing the banking and financial market Abstract   PDF
Anna Scotti
Issue 2023/1 Aspetti problematici e di regolamentazione in relazione alla tutela della privacy e delle nuove tecnologie nell’ambito dell’attività di controllo della Corte dei conti | Problematic and regulatory aspects in relation to the protection of privacy and new technologies in the context of the Court of Auditors' audit activity Abstract   PDF
Nunzio Mario Tritto
Issue 2023/1 Innovazione tecnologica e responsabilità: un breve sguardo alla “sanità mobile” (mHealth) | Technological innovation and accountability: a brief look at 'mobile health' (mHealth) Abstract   PDF
Giovanna Capilli
Issue 2023/1 Piattaforme e content moderation nella dialettica tra libertà di espressione ed autonomia privata | Platforms and content moderation in the dialectic between freedom of expression and private autonomy Abstract   PDF
Ugo Ruffolo
Issue 2023/2 Qualche considerazione critica sull'eredità digitale, tra patrimonio e dati un complicato bilanciamento di interessi nella tematica testamentaria | Some critical considerations on digital inheritance, between assets and data a complicated balancing of interests in testamentary matters Abstract   PDF
Lucila Inés Córdoba, Adriana Sylvina Morón, Irene Coppola
Issue 2024/1 Riaffermazione e modernizzazione dei diritti dei contribuenti nella trasformazione digitale - Reaffirmation and modernization of taxpayers' rights in digital transformation Abstract   PDF
Lorenzo Del Federico
News Repository June 2018 - to date 2018 annual report - a new era in data protection. Abstract   PDF
Alessandra Fabrocini
Observatory A certain colouring of imagination: notes for a Digital Humanism. | Quel certo cromatismo dell'immaginazione: appunti per un umanesimo digitale. Abstract   PDF
Clelia Castellano
Issue 2020/1 A Facebook court is born: towards the ‘jurisdiction’ of the future? Abstract   PDF
Aldo Iannotti della Valle
Issue 2019/2 A garden of forking paths: the several and multifaceted perspectives in the relationship between privacy and technical enablers Abstract   PDF
Roberto Montanari, Sara Saleri
Issue 2018/1 A review of behavioural research on data security Abstract   PDF
Martin Maguire, Nathan Stuttard, Andrew Morris, Eleonor Harvey
News Repository June 2018 - to date Access to tender documents and protection of privacy. Abstract   PDF
Vittoria Bonino
Issue 2024/2 Admissibility of Illegally obtained e-evidence: A critical study of EU law and the Precedents of the European Court of Human Rights | Ammissibilità delle prove elettroniche ottenute illegalmente: uno studio critico del diritto dell’UE e dei precedenti della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo Abstract   PDF
Oleksii Volodymyrovych Kostenko, Vahid Akefi Ghaziani
Special Issue 2020 Advancement of the right to be forgotten – analysis of the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 24 September 2019 in the case of Google LLC versus Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) – C-507/17 Abstract   PDF
Wojciech Lamik
Observatory Affrontare il potere della neurotecnologia: il neuromarketing tra azzardo morale, impatti sulla personalità dell'utente e tutela dei neurodiritti. | Dealing with the power of neurotechnology: neuromarketing between moral hazard, impacts on user personality and the protection of neurorigh. Abstract   PDF
Sergio Guida
Issue 2019/1 AI e GDPR: l’Automated Decision Making, la protezione dei dati e il diritto alla ‘intellegibilità’ dell’algoritmo Abstract   PDF
Emiliano Troisi
Issue 2021/1 Algorithm-based discrimination by using artificial intelligence. Comparative legal considerations and relevant areas of application Abstract   PDF
Hans Steege
News Repository June 2018 - to date America’s most powerful CEOs “corporations are responsable to all their stakeholders”. But not anyone believes them. Abstract   PDF
Mario Triggiani
Issue 2023/2 Anatomy of web data scraping: ethics, standards, and the troubles of the law | Anatomia del web data scraping: etica, standard e problemi della legge Abstract   PDF
Ugo Pagallo, Jacopo Ciani Sciolla
Issue 2024/2 Animals and Nature in Buddhism: From Normative Sources to Contemporary Environmentalism | Animali e Natura nel Buddhismo: dalle fonti normative all’ambientalismo contemporaneo Abstract   PDF
Miguel Álvarez Ortega
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