Creativity for Community, The Ethical Character of the Creative Person

Sara Nosari


Person has an extraordinary capability to create. This capability is a resource for the community. However, what is creativity? Creativity can be interpreted instrumentally or assertively. Person makes an instrumental use of creative capability when he/she disassembles and reassembles the experience of reality, exploiting its implied possibilities. The assertive use, instead, involves person in the creation of an ‘other’ order. Thanks to this meaning, person represents the existence as it could be lived and acts to realize it. The sense must be lived as an essential and inexhaustible commitment. This use shows then an ethical character: the direction involves the responsibility of everyone in the change of a common destiny. Starting from the discussion on the possible actions of the creative person, the paper will recognize the community as one of his/her more meaningful expressions. As such, community becomes commitment and promise for an educational process interested in a change according to human direction.


change; value; judgement; responsibility.

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