Journal History

The European Journal of Privacy Law & Technologies (EJPLT) is a European Law Scientific Journal in Open Access Diamond, focused on the relationship between law and new technologies and, specifically, on that between privacy law and technology's development. It is the scientific Journal of the Research Centre in European Private Law (ReCEPL).

It aims to gather relevant contributions on the possible regulation of new technologies in a human-centered perspective, thus becoming an enabler for the dissemination of scientific information and research activities throughout the European Union.

The Journal topics range from data protection and the new legal challenges raised by the development of Artificial Intelligence technologies, embedded or non-embedded in Robotics, to the Information and communication technologies domain (e.g. Internet of things, technologies for data storage, social media). Furthermore, the Journal deal with the topics of blockchain, automated negotiation and computable contracts (smart contras), including all the applications of legal design as a topic of increasing relevance by legal scholars. Moreover, key attention is given to all issues related to the protection of human beings in digital environments (e-commerce and web economy), as well as technological applications that use biological systems, living organisms or their derivatives, to create or modify products or processes (biotechnologies applications). From 2022, the Journal welcomes contributions on topics related to the concept of Sustainability, primarily from the perspective of European studies. Individual contributions on these topics are identified with a leaf symbol.

The Journal was born from the partnership between universities from three different European countries, Italy (Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa of Naples - UNISOB), the United Kingdom (the University of Derby - DER, and Loughborough University - LBORO), and Spain (Universidad de Sevilla - USE), as well as one Italian company (RE:Lab s.r.l. - REL).

More precisely, the Consortium is the result of the European project 'Training Activities to Implement the Data Protection Reform' (TAtoDPR), a project co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC) of the European Commission (2014-2020), under Grant Agreement n. 769191. To enhance the project's outreach and effectiveness, the TAtoDPR consortium has carried out a series of dissemination and communication activities. One of the most important has been the creation of the "European Journal of Privacy Law & Technologies" (EJPLT), to produce and circulate knowledge regarding privacy and emerging technologies.

After the end of the TAtoDPR European Project, the Journal had a further implementation thanks to the European Project Jean Monnet Chair 'European Protection Law of Individuals in relation to New Technologies' (PROTECH) (611876-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPJMO-CHAIR). The project has been co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission and has the aim to highlight the protective approach of European law concerning the relationship between human beings and the digital environment (i.e. artificial environment) since this environment places the former in a position of vulnerability even if they are not subjects affected from disability. Thus, the support from the proposed Jean Monnet Chair PROTECH funding has ensured a Journal renewed research focus on the European Protection Law of the individuals in the digital age.

In 2022 EJPLT has been further implemented thanks to winning the co-funding for the Jean Monnet Chair project 'European Green Rights: reshaping fundamental rights for next generations' (EUGREENEXT) (ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH), which contributed to the expansion of the research topics by also including a specific focus on Green Technologies. EUGREENEXT aims to introduce an innovative approach in the configuration of fundamental rights in European Law (EU Green Rights) with respect to health, natural environment, and welfare of living beings, to address present and next generations' needs (sustainability).

The European Journal of Privacy Law & Technologies organizes or sponsors multiple scientific events on topical issues related to privacy and new technologies and which involve internal or external speakers of EJPLT, belonging to the academic and professional world.

The events are freely accessible.

For more information, please consult the following pages where the events are advertised:
- Conferences, Meeting and Seminars of the Research Centre of European Private Law (ReCEPL)
- Dissemination of the Jean Monnet Chair in "European Protection Law of Individuals concerning New Technologies" (PROTECH)