CITTÀ, SOSTANTIVO FEMMINILE. Politiche di riconfigurazione dello spazio urbano a partire dalle donne/CITY, FEMININE NOUN. Policies for the reconfiguration of urban space starting from women
In this article, the author analyses the current policies of reconfiguration of the urban space that intend to pay attention to the needs of women, trying to overcome the patriarchal and twentieth-century structure of the city.In the first part, the author examines some aspects related to the concept of the city by analysing social topographies and starting from Simmel’s teachings about the categories of space. The consequences of the prevarication of male culture in the organization of the city are also investigated.The second part examines some projects imploded in European cities and the Italian situation, also in light of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.In the conclusion, the article exposes the main criticalities related to the occupational and working conditions of women and to the drifts that can originate in the context of neoliberalism.
Social Topographies; Reconfiguration of Urban Space; The 15-Minute City Project; Occupational and Working Conditions of Women; PNRR.
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Registrazione presso il Tribunale di Napoli n. 37 del 05/07/2012