INFRASTRUTTURE DIGITALI DELLA MIGRAZIONE. Le piattaforme tra imbrigliamento e autonomia del lavoro migrante/Platforms as digital infrastructures of migration at the nexus between autonomy and bridling of migrant labour
The article investigates the relationship between migration, mobility and platform labour. It deploys elements of the Autonomist critique of migration and confronts them with innovations brought by platform labour. In particular, it uses the concept of bridled labour formulated by Moulier Boutang (2002 [1998]) to show how platforms constitute digital infrastructures which one side allow migrant workers to develop flexible migratory projects, but on the other side attract them into dynamics of hyper-exploitation. The analysis is mainly based on qualitative research carried out in Berlin on the workforce of labour platforms in the fields of delivery, ride-hailing and domestic cleaning.
Migration; Mobility; Platform Labour.
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Registrazione presso il Tribunale di Napoli n. 37 del 05/07/2012