Educational practices and action research in multicultural perspective
This contribution offers a reflection on the importance of the autobiographic/narrative method in education. Employed at school, this approach (which, in addition to writing, also uses verbal narratives, drawings, images, objects and music) proves to be a useful educational tool, not only because it allows children to improve their cognitive, reflective and metacognitive skills, as well as their emotional-relational ones, but also because it represents a fundamental tool for teachers, who in this way are able to deepen their understanding of the dynamics of the class and thus better structure the educational setting.
Keywords: Education, interculturality, autobiographical method,
self-cognition, educational relationship
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ISSN: 2281-3241 (on line); 2037-5867 (press)
Registro Stampa presso il Tribunale di Napoli, n. 26 del 29.04.2021
R.G. n. 3527/21