Author Details

Izzo, Luigi, Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, Italy

  • Issue 2020/1 - Focus
    Lo smart working, da pratica sperimentale a modus operandi ordinario: problematiche giuridiche e applicative - The smart working, from experimental practice to ordinary modus operandi: legal and applcation problems
    Abstract  PDF
  • Issue 2021/1 - Focus
    La tutela dell’utente degli strumenti di pagamento contro le transazioni fraudolente: problematiche giuridico-applicative e possibili evoluzioni - User protection of payment instruments against fraudulent transactions: legal-application problems and possible evolutions
    Abstract  PDF
  • Issue 2022/1 - Focus
    BCI devices and their capacity to express human will having legal value: A model of risk-based classification
    Abstract  PDF
  • Issue 2022/2 - Articles
    Il difficile rapporto tra il diritto alla privacy e il dovere di contribuzione alla spesa pubblica. The difficult relationship between the right to privacy and the duty to contribute to public expenditure.
    Abstract  PDF